Imagine a Premier League with just two teams.

Imagine a Premier League with just two teams. One Red. One Blue.
Imagine a Premier League with just two teams. One Red. One Blue.

For fifteen years I’ve struggled with the concept of democracy, as I’ve not seen one at work.

If the system is supposed to promote the very best people, to lead us by example, it’s an epic fail.

If we look at them like soccer team, Labour and the Tories are both completely phony and full of b …  baloney.

That’s another issue. At a football match we can blow off steam, yell abuse, use the good old Anglo-Saxon vernacular.

In polite society we’re required to bow and scrape and applaud as people who couldn’t run a celebration in a brewery run the country into the ground (reaping unjust rewards along the way).

If you remember when Bill Gates and General Motors had a spat (computers were still pretty flaky back in the day) it threw-up some pretty funny humour.

Here’s our document comparing our system of democracy to a Premier League with just two teams. Please click on this link to open the PDF in your browser > When two teams go to snore